
Escape room Budapest

Logo: escape rooms EXITPOINT
Logo: escape rooms EXITPOINT
escape room is closed

The real life escape room is a unique version of the well-known, so-called „room escape” game

on the internet implemented into real life, where you have 60 minutes game time to escape from a

room by solving puzzles requiring logic and artfulness.

Teams with minimum 2 and maximum 5 members are allowed to participate in this game. To solve

the riddles, you do not need any lexical knowledge but you have to possess resourceful, eagle-eye

observing skills, good logic, some finesse and last but not least, teamwork.

We’re currently operating one room, but soon you will be able to choose from two spectacularly decorated rooms that have entirely different themes and gameplays.

Considering the difficulty levels, they are relatively close to each other, but how could you measure or compare them?

Maybe it makes you wonder that no one could escape without external help until today.

You still believe you will be the first, right…? ;)

Reviews on escape room «Madness»

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This escape room is closed, but you can book another one in Budapest.
We do not charge extra - we help you to find the most suitable escape room for you.

see all the escape rooms for this theme
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or just call us (from 10:00 to 22:00) +36 1 701 0 291

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