The Experiment

Escape room Budapest

escape room is closed

One night while you were walking, a strange leaflet was thrown by the wind: “SCIENTIFIC CALL! You can take part in an epoch-making and world-class experiment that takes only one hour, and the reward is enormous. Sign up today! Bergstaße, Stein Frank Avenue 48 Dr. Helmuth Köhn ” You take part, because the given address is just a few minutes by walk. When you arrive there, a shady figure leads you into a scary basement, and gives strange answers to all your questions, and your guts telling you something is wrong here. The employee starts laughing crazy, what makes you feel even more nervous. He is pointing with his finger to a chamber, to indicate that what you are looking for is inside. The doors are closing themselves right after you entered in! The only thing you hear is, a huge, maniac laugh followed by these words: “… THE EXPERIMENT HAS BEEN STARTED …”

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