Escape room Budapest

Logo: escape rooms Neverland
Logo: escape rooms Neverland
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When you took off the black hoods from your heads, for a slight moment you believed that the fear was over. You couldn’t be more mistaken! You started shivering as you looked around in the tiny cell. Half of your team is missing. The mad kidnapper might have already killed them. From this thought the will to live arises in you so you desperately start looking for the way out.

Reviews (3)
Reviews on escape room «SCHIZOPRENIC SERIAL KILLER»

What a challenge! This crazy guy encaged me and my friend and only god knows what he wanted to do to us. We have been smart and brave enough to run away form him. But it was not easy... Cold blood recommended!!!


Minden a legnagyobb rendben volt, nagyon igényesen van megcsinálva az egész, feladatok is nagyon jók voltak. Ijesztőnek nem annyira az, de nagyon elégedettek voltunk. :)


Az elején nagyon ijesztő volt ahogy elzártak minket egymástól. Vègig izgalmas és pörgős. Ajánlom mindenkinek barátokkal!

Vörös Laura

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