Real-Life Thriller of Seven Hill!
A small, peaceful little town if plagued by the curious case of the abandoned Seven Hill psychiatric ward. Locals dare only talk about the strange happenings in hushed tones. Seems like the leaders of the city would swipe the whole case under the rug. Many people are unaccounted for and that puts pressure on everyone. Dale Emerson a retired detectives would dust down the old case files and take a fresh look at it. You have also shown interest and he quickly recruited you to find new evidence and bring peace to the family of the missing persons.
Hardcore díszletű, izgalmas szoba! Jók a feladványok, nagyon ötletes, bár nekünk volt, amin egyszerűen nem láttuk, amit látni kellett volna. Illetve egy bizonyos játékelem nem a megfelelő eredményt mutatta. De korrekt segítséget kaptunk, így csak nem ragadtunk benn.. :-)
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